Thursday, November 19, 2015


So, I've been very silent here. A whole month actually. I can't believe how a month can go by so quickly these days. My lack of posting was not intentional. Not really. There were several times it was on my "to do list" to upload my photos from the past month because even if I don't post photos on here I still take quite a bit per week. And this blog is a journal of sorts for me. The last thing I want to do is get behind and have to update all the old stuff. But, in all honesty I was just tired. Tired from a lot of things. Sometimes the internet is tiring to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful for the inspiration and connection that would never be made if it didn't exist. But with anything, there are pros and cons. So, I just didn't post anything for a bit and I'm ok with that.

I think a lot about why I do the things I do. Checking my motives I guess. My husband says I'm so analytical, and he's right. And I'm ok with that too. So, I've had a break and have plans to bring everything back up to speed and post the later stuff to the present. Glad to be back!

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