Sunday, December 20, 2015


I imagine one day this little one will be as tall as me, if not taller. Just the other day I was thinking about how I can't believe we have a nine year old! I remember when our oldest was this size. Where does the time go?! And I never realized that one day the baby phase would quickly be gone and then we would enter a new season of teens and pre-teens (I know we are not there yet, but I feel like it could happen within a blink). 

And I don't ever remember anyone telling me that one day I might actually miss the feeling of being pregnant and nursing a baby. I mean, it's a really draining season physically. There are a lot of demands on the body during that season and it has it's discomforts, but I am now realizing what an incredible privilege it was to experience the miracle of life and birth. 

Call me crazy, but I'm actually going to miss this season of pregnancy, childbearing, the new born baby smells and all the baby things. I know greater things lie ahead, but being a part of creation and the miracle of life is pretty amazing.

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